Gloria K. Fiero's Landmarks In Humanities

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There are a lot of interesting events that happened in the remaining chapters of Landmarks in humanities, by Gloria K. Fiero. Putting together this timeline, only important or interested events are gathered together to form my timeline. There are many movements that I can relate to, some I really like and some that I was indifferent about. The major events, artwork, poetry, political views, etc. that happened in each of these era, are hindered by certain beliefs, the depersonalizing effects of western industrialization would generate a new movement. Some things that interested me the most would be the Rococo Style in The Enlightenment Era, artwork & political views of the Romanticism movement, and Famous artist Picasso in Modernism.
This movement is an important fact in my timeline because the Enlightenment era is where it marks the medieval aspect of the world as dominated by religion, the values of religious faith, and modern view of the world which was governed by science and the belief of human reasons. It was later in the Baroque era that Rococo was known, it was the final stage and the last of the ideas of Enlightenment into the art of …show more content…

I put him down on my timeline because I believed he was a very talented and morally righteous person, his work is very eye catching and interesting. Pablo Picasso lived a very long life, died at the age of 92. His artwork still lives on today, one of my favorite piece from Picasso is Les Desnoiselles d’Avignon. It is an oil canvas of five nude women prostitutes of Spanish century. Les Desoiselles d’Avignon also was the beginning of a new style known as Cubism. Cubism was an experimental art movement that changed the face of European painting and sculpture. The body of work that Picasso created throughout his lifetime is enormous, his works continue to invite and attract thousands of

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