Essay About George Washington

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Early Life and Rise to Military Career
George Washington was born February 22, 1732 to Augustine Washington and Mary Ball Washington. He had six siblings, three of which who died early. His older brother Lawrence died of tuberculosis, allowing George to inherit his position of adjutant general of the Virginian militia. George Washington was eager to prove himself, and was sent to aid the British forces throughout the French and Indian war. Though captured by the French in the conflict, he was allowed to leave and return to his troops.
The Braddock Incident
As senior aide to General Edward Braddock, Washington rode with the largest expedition of British troops in the colonies to help expel the French. The forces were ambushed by the French and their allied Indians, where Braddock was slain and the British forces fled wildly and unorganized. Washington rode through the ranks and organized the retreat, helping many get to safety.

Before the Revolutionary War
Washington married Martha Custis, and expanded upon his home of Mount Vernon. After being reward territory for his involvement in the French and Indian war, George Washington received 23,000 acres of land. His owned land around Mount Vernon expanded to 6,500 acres and the amount of slaves he owned grew to 100. Being a respected military hero and known landowner, he was elected to the House of Burgesses of Virginia. He also held local office and was very influential throughout Virginia.
Origins of His Position In The War

Washington was against the 1765 Stamp Act, which was the first direct tax on the American Colonies, and organized protests outright against the Townshend Acts of 1767. In May, 1769, Washington introduced a proposal from a friend to boycott all English goods un...

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... elected by the Electoral College in 1789, the only president in history to have 100% of the college vote. John Adams was elected as his Vice President. Washington was very intelligent, fully aware that everything he did would set a precedent for future presidents. His clothing and titles were always formal yet humble, preferring Mr. President over the extravagant titles chosen by royalty in Europe or those suggest to him. Many in congress suggested calling him Emperor of the United States, or King Washington.

Washington may not have been the supreme military strategist, but he was a genius politically, and was of humble character. He is considered that as the first President, he was the best and most fit for his position. There are many Presidents that have been compared to George Washington, such as Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt.

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