Environmentalism: Is The Earth Out Of Balance: Article Analysis

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The environment is a topic that is often brought up and a subject most widely debated upon. We

often see it debated in our government and politics. Our environment is our concern as

inhabitants on earth. It is important and we should make it our business to care about our lands

and their well-being. The article “Environmentalism: Is the Earth Out of Balance?”, is a written

debate between writer Otis L. Graham Jr, the writer of “Epilogue: A Look Ahead” and

Environmental politics and policy, 1960’s-1990’s (Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000)

and Writer Bjorn Lomborg, the author of “Yes, It Looks Bad, But….,” “Running On Empty,”

Otis “ Why Kyoto Will Not Stop This,” and The Guardian(August 15, 16, and 17, 2001)

Otis L Graham Jr’s argument for …show more content…

The intention of his article is to help us understand that although we

cannot see the harms physically right at the moment, our decisions on our lifestyles will have a

great effect and shape our environment later on down the road. Otis L. Graham also talks about

our use of nuclear power and how people only look at its technological benefits and how they

believe they outweigh the risks of the nuclear toxins. The writer brings to light the issue of the

toxins that the nuclear plants produce and if their dump sites are even safe for us and our

environment. How is the waste affecting us? Otis L. Graham used secondary sources in making

his point in this article. I do not feel he convinced me of his debate that our earth is unbalanced.

Reason being he did now provide scientifical evidence or stats to help back up his ideas. The

article produced seemed more of a “he said, she said” article and reflected only his ideas. I feel

the article would be more convincing if he actually proved how humans are destroying the

environment and exactly how along with strong

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