Entry Level Job

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Pg. 325 #1

As they are now the credential needed to get into an entry level job can be a large deterrent towards students trying in school, when the likelihood of them getting a well-paying job can be slim. What I think is the biggest problem with the qualifications needed for a job is the amount of experience that many jobs are asking for now. Students are finding it hard to be accepted for jobs in today’s work climate because a lot of entry level jobs are asking students to have several years of experience for a job that should be giving them that experience. This aspect of job qualification continuously makes it harder for students to find a job in their field of study to hire them, causing many students to lose heart and start underperforming. …show more content…

Personally, I believe that guaranteeing a job right out of school as a reward for doing well would be a great way to motivate students into putting more effort into school for a myriad of reason. Firstly, it would provide students with a tangible goal that they would have to work for, and couldn’t just get by giving the lowest amount of effort possible. Being able to have a true goal to work towards would be able to provide students with a reason to want to do well in school, instead of simply passing, as that would provide them with as many opportunities. The prospects of getting a job right out of school for high marks would be a great way to increase the participation of students from impoverished families, along with many other children from the middle class, as they would be able to clearly see that they would be benefiting from their efforts towards a goal that would benefit them and their families. Providing guaranteed jobs in this manner would benefit overall performance in another indirect way, with students from poorer families being able to get a job out of school they could then intern be able to provide their own children with more tools and opportunities to continue their own education. The addition of a competitive atmosphere with a reward for the best would also see an increase in students that are applying themselves as they try to be the best in their schools. Overall, I believe providing students with something tangible to work towards would be an excellent way to increase productivity in schools as a

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