Emma Watson Women's Rights

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Recently Emma Watson delivered a speech addressing the dire consequences of gender discrimination towards both men and women. In her speech she encouraged men to become “active participants in the global struggle for equality”. Despite what was described as a ‘powerful’ message, the very next day Watson received internet threats stating they would release private, nude photos of the activist to the public. In her article, Amanda Taub urges women to take these threats against Watson personally. Taub successfully raises awareness to a critical situation by displaying how women of the globe are treated and how other women can make a significant difference. Amanda Taub speaks to the everyday woman in order to help them understand their positions in the situation. She informs women that the attacks on Watson are not simply just for her, rather an attack on all women. The threats are there to remind women to stay restrained and muted or these attackers can and will repeat these actions on them. Urging women to reflect subjectively on the matter causes women to consciously recall similar experiences within their own lives, making women realize it isn’t just happening to celebrities for speaking their minds, but it occurs in their very own everyday life as well. …show more content…

that they were entering a world hostile to women’s achievements… and that every attack on Hillary Clinton for not knowing her place is an attack on them.” Utilizing a number of intelligent women, Watson and Ephron, who are also fighting for gender equality makes her article reliable. These intelligent women have experienced first-hand the consequences of their success. She also attempts to relate with her audience by exclaiming “The threats against Watson are an attack on me – and I take them personally. We all need

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