Emigration To America

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Subject: The poem is Freneau’s expression of hopefulness for expanding the American states further west and is a direct response to the monarchy present in Britain. Paraphrase: First, the land of the west is described to be free from people, as native people would migrate elsewhere, and the oppression of Britain. Then, the focus shifts from the nature of the land to the future of it. The plan is to settle and use the new territory for trade with the already established states. Transitioning to the country’s political future, the speaker elucidates that new laws of America will become everlasting and encompass a greater value of life. Organization: The poem is written in a monorhyme format, with each stanza written using an ABABCC rhyme scheme. This organization allows for a memorable and song-like quality, which would popularize it among American citizens, the audience of the poem. …show more content…

Not only does he believe the future holds an abundance of opportunities, Freneau does not limit himself from decrying Britain’s politics. The most blatant example of his chastisement of Britain is his elaboration on monarchs, “With all their pomp and fancied bliss” (Freneau 156). Theme: In “On the Emigration to America and Peopling the Western Country,” Freneau proves that in order to truly burgeon as a just and contented nation, America must look to the frontier of the western country and

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