Parallel Journey Quotes

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“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness,” Desmond Tutu once said (“Desmond Tutu Quotes”). During the Holocaust, the Jews were treated very badly but some managed to stay hopeful through this horrible time. The book Parallel Journeys by Eleanor Ayer shows how Helen Waterford and Alfons Heck who had two very different stories but managed to stay hopeful. Helen was a Jew who went into hiding for awhile before being taken away from her family and being sent to a concentration camp. Alfons was a member of the Hitler Youth where he became the youngest member of the German air force. To him, Hitler was everything and he would die any day for him and his country. As for Helen, Hitler was the man ruining her life. The Holocaust was horrible to live through but some managed to survive because of the hope they contained. The cold-blooded way the Nazi’s treated the Jews is hard to …show more content…

Alfons, along with many other young German boys, quit his entire plan to be a part of the Hitler Youth. He was promised a great life. In the Hitler Youth, he was trained that Jews were horrible people and they should be punished for their “crimes” by death. Alfons was so caught up in the moment that he didn’t realize what he was doing. Later in his life, he did understand that he was wrong for participating in these cruel actions. Alfons Heck The hope that the Jews had, kept some alive during the cruel treatment during the Holocaust. The way the Nazis treated the Jews was animal-like and not humanely at all. Although, the Jews managed to keep their heads up and hope for a bright future. The Nazis that caused all the emotional and physical pain on the Jews were horrible but they didn’t fully understand what they were doing at the time. The world is full of blackness but only some have the ability to see the

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