Effects Of Drinking Milk Essay

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Milk is a wholesome drink by itself and contains all the vital nutrients required for the body. It is beneficiary for all ages and is considered a 'life-giving nectar'. Milk and other dairy products are the primary source of calcium and are rich in proteins that are essential for the growth and development of every individual.

However, while we consume milk on a daily basis, do we know the harmful effects of consuming milk after it is boiled? While we adopt healthier practices when it comes to cooking our food - opting for steamed food or food cooked in less oil - in order to get all the nutrition we can, it is surprising that so many of us do not know that boiling milk reduces nutritional value. Coffee
Coffee can indeed make people feel more alert and energized, it is an artificial energy boost because caffeine does not create real energy, but rather it is the chemicals that are doing the work …show more content…

The effects of alcohol are often quite severe for those who are addicted.

The first of the worst effects of alcohol is the possibility of addiction. Addiction is coded into the DNA of some people. Alcohol is sometimes used by these people as a way to relieve stress or get away from the worries of the world for a while. This is a very addictive activity and is one of the reasons that you need to be careful with your alcohol consumption. Alcohol addiction is treatable but can often ruin lives.
Soda contains carbonated water and that does not contribute anything beneficial to your body. There are some experts who claim that carbonated water is not nearly as good when it comes to hydrating your body as regular water. You also gain no health benefits from drinking diet soda as it is excreted out through instant urination. Soda is very rich in sugar and the average America can of soda contains nearly 40 grams of it and this is definitely not good for your

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