Pros And Cons Of Soda Consumption

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Sal Morales Hobbs English 100 November 27, 2014 To indulge in soda or to Drink it Responsibly, that is the Question? Soda has always been known to be an unhealthy drink. In its earliest use it was used as a treat after dinner or for a special occasion or to remove rust off of objects due to the acidity of the beverage. As time has went on, the soda consumption has went to an occasional thing to over consumption occurring every day. The overconsumption in America has brought on the idea of proposing a soda tax which would hopefully discourage the over consumption of soda. Some have fought against the idea by disclaiming the idea that it causes obesity and diseases related to sugar consumption such as diabetes. I believe that there should be a soda tax because it would help decrease medical conditions and create an extra way to produce necessary revenue. There are negative effects on the body due to soda consumption. Robert Lustig, MD, a UCSF pediatric neuroendocrinologist, has done research on obesity (Sugar Is a Poison). Studies have shown that soda could be a factor in obesity. The soda causes a chemical in the stomach to cause a rise in hunger even after consuming food, which would thus cause an overconsumption of food (Sugar Is a Poison). The body is not supposed to consume calories through a liquid so it disrupts the digestive system. This evidence shows that soda does have …show more content…

The recent soda tax in Berkeley will hopefully start to cause change in the people within that community. A soda tax should not be hated by people because the tax could help people become healthier which is what everyone wants for themselves. Many lives can be saved from diabetes and other diseases that can cut a life short. It is all about the quality of life and no proposal looking to improve the quality of life should be

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