Effective Communication Is Vital for Sucees in Professional, Corporate, and Academic Environments

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Effective communication skills are vital to success in professional, corporate, and academic environments. We are evaluated daily on our ability to communicate efficiently in interactions that take place at work, as well as in our personal lives. According to Faye and Jerry Wisner, communication is the process by which we verbally or nonverbally convey a message to another person or a group of people in a way that can be received and understood. The two types of communication found to be most effective are verbal communication and non-verbal communication.
Verbal communication is the procedure of articulating instructions or interpretations by word of mouth. As human beings we use this type of communication frequently, in a variety of settings, under different circumstances each and every day. Verbal communication is particularly important in workplace, and is the simplest, most understandable form of communication. However, verbal communication is not successful unless both participates discern and comprehend the information conveyed in the same manner. A few techniques beneficial to conveying effective communication skills in the workplace are appropriate language, audible volume, active listening, courteousness, and rephrasing. In the workplace it is always important to choose your words carefully, and use appropriate language whenever speaking to clients, colleagues, and audiences. Speaking directly to those whom you engage in conversation with, at a moderate pace and tone allows listeners to clearly hear, receiving the whole of your message. Courtesy demonstrates respect and establishes a bond of compatibility between you and the audience, whether it be one person or many. Actively listening and rephrasing is an essential pa...

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...ished by being aware of gestures while presenting a message and making certain that the gestures used are ones that will compliment your message, demonstrating eye contact while receiving and sending messages, reflecting positive facial expressions, and displaying good posture. Being mindful of the personal space of other’s, and dressing in a manner that will show respect for the values of not only yourself but the organization as well, will contribute to the effectiveness of your nonverbal communication.

Works Cited

• Wisner, F. & Wisner, J. 2011, “Human Relations in Business & Industry.” Effective Communication.
• Thompson, S. 2002 “Communicate in the workplace.” Software Publications.
• American Management Association. 2005. “Communication and Interpersonal Skills.”
• Change Implementer. 2000. “Facilitating structures-communication.” Group/Individual Level.

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