Persuasive Essay On Education

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Education is one of the most important aspects of our society. By educating Americas youth we are molding the minds who are going to run and find new solutions to the problems are country faces today and for the future. However education, in general, is facing some serious problems. One of the most important aspects in running anything, including a school, is finances. If a school does not have adequate funding, the students will not be able to learn and grow to achieve their goals. The problem schools across the country and in particular Ohio is facing is, what is the best way to fund public school? There are many aspects that go into the funding of school but the question is being raised, do we need to change the way we go about funding our …show more content…

In small farm towns this is a big issue. This is because these towns tend to be majority filled with older farmers and the younger people move out of town after high school. The older farmers make up the majority of homeowners in towns such as these. Due to the fact that these farmers strongly value farm workers and training children to due blue collar work they do not value education, nearly as much as other areas. Many of these towns could fund better schools with newer resources however education is not a high priority. So the issue arises that advancements in local education cannot progress until new developers make homes for the younger generations in the farm land that is no longer being used and therefore sold off. For this reason education will always be a second thought to these people. Due to this, in towns like this, for the most part, only the younger generations see the importance and the basic need of educating Americas use with the best technology and resources …show more content…

Property tax is the main source of schools funding that is simply supplemented by local funds. This makes funding schools already a hardship on the homeowner. Then if a tax levy is passed the tax rate on the homeowner goes up making the person most affected by levies the local homeowner. This is a controversial issue because the local homeowners do not want to be the only people funding schools, nor can out schools be maintained by them alone. This will only cause them to be underfunded, not maintained, and teachers under paid, issues that were addressed in the court case DeRolph V. State that declared supporting schools with property tax alone unconstitutional. Other towns use tax money from sales and the taxes businesses pay to help with the schools cost. However, in my hometown there are only a few businesses, and due to the size and makeup of the town, these businesses do not usually last more than a few years. This is a very isolated community and the citizens tend to shop in other towns, where it might be cheaper, for the things they need, generating less revenue for the town and as a result less tax dollars for the school

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