Eating Healthy Food During Pregnancy

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A healthy pregnancy begins before you become pregnant. Eating healthy foods is more important now than it ever has been. You are now eating for two meaning you need more protein, iron, calcium, and folic acid than you did before pregnancy. The main source of nutrients you eat is for your baby. In the same way, you could earn these nutrients by taking prenatal vitamins that contain folic acid and iron. It is important that you have enough folic acid in your system before conception and during the first stages. Folic acid greatly reduces your baby's risk of developing neural tube birth defects such as spina bifida.If the infant does not get an efficient amount of nourishment it can likely be born prematurely and underweight making the infant more susceptible to illness.
Exercising runs as an inseparable unit with eating healthy to keep up your physical wellbeing and prosperity during pregnancy. It also has many benefits during pregnancy like easing and preventing aches and or pains during pregnancy. In most cases, women who exercise during their pregnancy appear more prepared for labor and tend to recover quicker. However, you need to make sure you stay hydrated and do not put a strain on your body. Pace yourself so you do not get short winded and limited to …show more content…

A teratogen is anything that can disrupt the development of an embryo or fetus in a pregnant mother's womb. Just about everything the mother intakes enters the fetal bloodstream, therefore, anything you eat or drink can possibly hurt your child if not careful. As a matter of fact, chronic illnesses/diseases that mother suffers from can complicate the pregnancy and pose a threat to the unborn baby. A very important thing to do before trying to conceive would be getting the conditions under control or possibly make a change in treatment. Many prescriptions are very harmful to the unborn child so it is recommended not to take anything if you don't have

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