How Having A Doula Can Shorten The Labor Process By Lora Schhwahl Analysis

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All parents wish to have a child that is potty trained quickly and easily, Childbirth Educator Lora Schwacke tells her clients. However, more often than not, the process turns into a long, drawn out, and stressful experience for both parent and child. She informs her potty training parents that the one major facet of potty training that is usually missed is the consistency. A child must have consistency if they are expected to learn anything new, and that includes potty training. Unless the parent takes the time to ensure that the routine of using the potty is put in place, the child will not have as much success. Think of it like a game of baseball, it is hard for a team to score if the referee is constantly changing the rules of the game. …show more content…

Lora Schwacke on How Having a Doula Can Shorten the Labor Process
Lora Schwacke, a certified Childbirth Educator in the Bradley Method, serves many clients in the role as a Doula. The term Doula, which is Greek in origin, translates to “women 's servant”. This person, almost always a female, is responsible for helping the birthing mother to have a safer and more pleasant labor and delivery. While not a medical professional herself, a Doula is very knowledgeable about the entire childbirth process, and can give tons of insight into the processes, procedures, and unforeseen issues than can arise while bringing life into the world.
A Doula will work with the mother, before, during, and/or after the birthing to assist her in any way possible. She does not take the place of the father or spouse, and is by no means a stand in for this role. Her only concern is the mental, emotional, and physical health of the woman and child. Through massage techniques, breathing exercises, positioning, and other skills, the Doula engages with the mother through the entire labor and delivery, helping to alleviate many of the fears and pains that are bound to …show more content…

This special touch ability also prompts the body to produce more of the hormone Oxytocin. As the Oxytocin increases in the body, the labor speeds up. According to Lora Schwacke, having a Doula on hand can reduce labor times by as much as 25% overall.
7. Five Reasons Why Walking Helps Labor with Lora Schwacke
Bradley Method birthing coach Lora Schwacke always prompts her patients to walk during the end of their pregnancy, if they have had a healthy and risk-free gestation. While many experts differ as to how important walking is for easing labor, she has witnessed through the years that walking really does help alleviate the pains of labor. Also, for women who have reached or past their due date, and want to induce labor naturally, walking is one of the best alternatives.
When an expectant mother walks before giving birth, the gravity placed upon the baby helps move them toward the birth canal. The movement also impacts the muscles in the pelvis, getting them ready to deal with contractions. For first time mothers, and any woman who is anxious about their upcoming birth, walking helps to curb their anxiety, as the physical exercise helps to release endorphins into the

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