ENJF Personal Statement

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As an ENJF, I naturally gravitate toward leadership roles within both professional and social situations as I have an altruistic personality and I speak with passion. Using my communication skills on an inter-personal level comes naturally and I am completely at ease carrying on a conversation about nearly any topic with another person. I have worked to develop my skills speaking in front of larger groups by using any opportunities that arise to speak in front of others (most frequently at work by presenting the output of various team projects and kaizen events to senior leadership in our organization but also by regularly participating in on-the-spot presentations in our organizations Toastmasters club).

One thing which can be difficult for me as an ENJF is that my interest in the welfare of others can lead me to become too involved in their problems and I am frequently more trusting than other personality types. This overly idealistic, selfless component of my personality can lead me to be caught off guard and spread myself too thin. Additionally, since I am so interested in the welfare of others when I become aware of areas for improvement in them or their performance I can start to believe that I suffer from the same deficiency leading me to try and fix a personality issue which doesn’t exist. …show more content…

While I naturally empathize with others, this can lead to introspection and a projection of my own thoughts onto the situation. By focusing more on the facts of the situation instead of my emotional response I may be able to better help others to overcome

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