Dr. Otto Mobile Accident Analysis

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After sifting through the evidence, the culprit of the accident can be determined. The accident occurred on 7:45 AM on the date of September 11, 2001. At at stoplight, four cars were stopped, but a car accident occurred. Based on prior evidence from other cases, the back car is usually the culprit. Dr. Otto Mobile’s interview shows that he was not in a rush, going to lecturing a class, and he was behind a dancing woman, presumably dancing to music. Also, Ken Notstop was not in a rush as well and he was part of a tree business. Following Ken, Kelly Sion was interviewed, showing that she had a song stuck in her head. Due to the fact she wanted to exercise before she was supposed to open the gym, she was in a rush.. Anita Newcar was in a rush due to the fact that she was already late to work, and she was behind a car with trees and a nest on the back. Due to the fact that Kelly had a song stuck in her head, she could’ve been the woman dancing in a car that Dr. Otto Mobile mentioned, showing that she was in front of Otto. Because Ken was the only person …show more content…

First of all, the initial license plate has a code is NE14NSA, which stands for “anyone for an essay”. Due to the fact Dr. Otto Mobile was the only person class related, the plate is his. Also, the plate UUD2UUNX stands for “used to use an axe”, which is Ken’s because he was related to trees. Considering the interviews show that Anita is a librarian which is the opposite of movies and it stands for “I hate movies”, IH8MOOV is Anita’s. ICU83PL88 must be Kelly’s because she is the only suspect left. Because Kelly’s plate had a yellow scratch on the back but none on the front, she must be innocent. Ken’s plate had scratches on both sides, meaning he was in the middle of two cars. Otto’s car had a scratch on the back, meaning that someone crashed into him. Considering Anita’s plate was the only plate without a scratch on the back, she was in the back of the

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