Donald Trump Strengths And Weaknesses

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Donald Trump is a business person and television personality who is currently running for president of the United States, but this is not the first time that Donald Trump has run for the presidency. In 1987 Donald Trump first considers a run for president, do to business he refrained from running. Then in the year 2000 Donald Trump enters the presidential race as a Reform Party candidate, he received more than 15,000 votes in the California primary. Three years later in 2003 Donald Trump again decide to run for president, but ultimately decides not to join the race. Then again on April 2011, Trump repeatedly calls for President Obama to release his long-form birth certificate he questioned whether Obama was actually born in the United States. …show more content…

He has an extensive list of accomplishments and is very outspoken, he is straightforward, always saying what he believes. He is also an important or powerful person in the media industry, and many business people respect him for his accomplishments. But the most important strength that Donald hold in the campaign is that he can self-finance his campaign. Additionally, Donald Trump has moved up on the poles because a lot of voters are fed up with politicians. The fact that there was a large number of credible candidates running yet Republicans were unable to settle and unite behind one. That has allowed Donald Trump stay in the lead throughout the race, therefore it has been a great strength to Donald Trump's success. On the other hand, Donald Trump is seen as a bombastic and publicity hound who loses no opportunity of being on the media. Therefore as people follow the candidacy many don’t take Donald Trump …show more content…

> 11 III. > 54
FEB 20 S.C. > 50 Mo. > 37
FEB 23 Nev. > 14 N.C. > 29
MARCH 1 Ala. > 36 M.P. > 9 Alaska >11 Ohio > 0 Ark. > 16 MARCH 22 Ariz. > 58 Ga. > 42 Utah > 0 Mass. > 22 APRIL 5 Wis. > 6 Minn.> 8 APRIL 9 Colo. > 0 Okla. > 13 APRIL 19 N.Y. > 89 Tenn. > 33 APRIL 26 Conn. > 28 Texas > 48 Del. > 16 Vt. > 8 Md. > 38 Va. > 17 Pa. > 17
MARCH 5 Kan. > 9 R.I. > 19 Ky. > 17 MAY 3 Ind.------- La. > 18 MAY 10 Neb.------- Main > 9

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