George W. Bush's Strengths And Weaknesses

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In this paper, I will be discussing someone who I believe to be a great leader, George W. Bush. I will be using material I have learned from my Survey of Leadership Theory class, such as preparing an analysis discussing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of George W. Bush. In addition, I will be discussing how three different leadership concepts discussed in my class also relate to George W. Bush with examples of each concept. I will start my strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats analysis of Bush with his strengths. A strength that Bush possessed was his character. Many politicians throughout history have had various scandals or questionable behavior, perhaps either during their time in office or before. Bush …show more content…

As impossible as it may seem, Bush was not a person without faults. In consequence, one of the biggest weaknesses of the former president was his public speaking abilities. There are multiple factors at play when discussing this topic. Was Bush being held to a higher standard and more scrutinized than other public figures such as presidents? Is a simple grammatical error something the country should be in uproar about? Only the reader can answer those questions and compose their own presumptions on George Bush, but we can utilize this section to describe why public speaking was his weakness. There is a term on the internet called “Bushism” solely dedicated to describe various mishaps with Bush’s public speaking. An article by Jacob Weisberg from 2009 lists Bush’s top 25 speaking mistakes. For instance, one of the slip-ups by Bush was a simple “s” at the end of the word “internet” to make “internets” during a presidential debate in 2004. Similarly, another famous moment for Bush was his creation and use of “misunderestimate” in a speech. One consideration with this weakness was the fact that his speaking errors were not horrendous, but they made people question his capability in

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