Persuasive Essay On Domestic Violence

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Domestic violence plagues millions of people every day in the United States. Not all domestic violence happens at the hands of a partner, but according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, “nearly twenty people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner.” While these statistics are highly alarming, domestic abuse affects not only the abused, but the witnesses, and the abusers. There are not only visible marks that will eventually go away, but most often it is the things that can’t be seen with the naked eye that people should worry about. Between bruises, broken bones, yelling, screaming and just plain fear, it’s no wonder that many of these cases go unreported.
We as Americans see violence everywhere, every day. Each time we turn on the TV, the news is telling of yet another shooting or armed robbery. With the advancements of technology we seem to have film crews all around, that jump on the opportunity for their fifteen minutes fame, yet lurking in the shadows is an ugly beast that has reared its ugly …show more content…

The NCADV states, “1 in 15 Children are exposed to intimate partner violence each year, and 90% of these children are eyewitnesses to this violence”. These poor little souls who experience this level of terror every time they open their tiny eyes. Children are living in fear for, not only themselves, but most of them fear for the lives of both their siblings, if there are any, and their parents. Children who grow up in these types of environments are at higher risks to abuse, or be abused versus children who do not grow up in the midst of violence. “Abuse is a learned behavior,” says The Joyful Heart Foundation’s website, which also states, “Over 15 million children witness violence in their homes each year”. Furthermore, violence is a learned behavior. It will most likely take many years of therapy to turn back the hands of time and undo the habits that were taught to

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