Does One Create A Positive Digital Footprint?

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You have now graduated college, and are in need of a job; there are many questions that must be asked once this situation has arisen. Some of these questions include; how will I set myself up to receive quality job offers, what do employers look for in an employee, and how do employers get information on potential employers? These are all great questions and have multiple answers, but they all have one in common; digital footprint. Employers today often look at potential employees digital footprint and whether it is positive or negative. This arises another question, how does one create a positive digital footprint? Before this question can be answered, it is necessary to first define a digital footprint and why it is important. The first …show more content…

There are endless reasons and explanations as to why a person's digital footprint is so important. Although, one reason stands out amongst the others, and that is, potential employment. In this life, what is the most important aspect of society? The answer is simple, the amount of money you have obtained through working or other means of gaining wealth. You cannot survive without this simple thing called currency. It may seem so small, but that amount you have will have the biggest impact on your life. Of course, how do you obtain your wealth and money? Most get it through employment and working hard. In today's time, the most effective way to become employed is through a positive digital footprint. If you have shown your qualities and ability to work hard online, companies and employers will see that you are capable of doing so in a real life situation as well. They now know that you are capable and are more interested in employing you. "A person's online footprint is becoming an increasingly important part of their online brand"(Source 1). As the author, Jalgar, stated, a person's digital footprint is easily the most important part in creating a good reputation for themselves, so that employers can see what type of person you are and whether or not you would be a good employee. That is only one reason that it is important to have a positive digital …show more content…

You now know what a digital footprint is, but without ways to make it positive, it is pointless in achieving the goal of becoming employed. There are countless ways that the creation of a positive digital footprint can be achieved. The first way that you can improve your digital footprint is by creating a blog about something that you enjoy and has a positive correlation. For example, a young student name Angela started a blog about ways to make a difference in the world. This was one of Angela's posts, "Welcome to Twenty Five Days to Make a Difference, a blog project that I started when I was in elementary school"(Source 2). She started this blog in elementary school, that is how prepared she is, and her positive digital footprint will help her receive job offers and get the job that she most desires. Employers, like previously stated, look for people that are hard workers and through Angela's blog they understand that she is a very hard worker and that she wants to make a difference in the world. The next way to improve your digital footprint is through social media. Most people think that social media is bad and couldn't possibly benefit you in something such as getting a job, but in fact, social media can be one of the most important ways to improve your digital footprint. Jalger explains this best in their article "The Power of a Positive Digital Footprint

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