Do You Think Ballet Is A Sport Or Art?

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Sport or Art? An athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature.’s definition of a sport. When people think of sports they think of football, soccer, baseball, basketball, swimming, etc. What do you think ballet is? Ballet and dance itself are considered arts. Dance is an art form. When someone dances the goal is to tell a story through movement and not words. I feel that dance is just as much of a sport as it is an art. Ballet is just one of many kinds of dance. When people think of ballet they think of flexible people in tutus. I know that’s what I think of, but there’s way more to ballet than just being flexible and wearing awkward clothing. Unlike other arts, ballet requires just as much as any other sport does. There’s more to ballet than you even know. So is it a sport or an art?

Ballet is “a classical dance form demanding grace and precision and employing formalized steps and gestures set in intricate, flowing patterns to create expression through movement,”- In ballet you definitely have to be graceful but what many people don't know is that
I have a wooden stick that I put my foot in and it stretches my arch. Once I am done doing that I use a thera-band to strengthen my feet. Ballet dancers go through all this work to wear pointe shoes. Pointe shoes are shoes that enable ballet dancers to stand on their toes. If you have ever been to a ballet or seen anything that has ballet in it you will probably see them dancing on pointe shoes. Pointe shoes are made out of wood and paper mache. Comfortable is definitely no adjective for pointe shoes. Ballet dancers wear pads that go over your toes. This helps a little bit but it makes a very little difference. By the end of an hour class on pointe, dancer’s feet are bleeding, loosing toe nails, and getting blisters. Ballet dancers definitely don't have the prettiest

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