Do Other People's Perceptions Of Us Influence Our Sense Of Self

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You Are Not Yourself & You Never Have Been Who are you? Imagine you’re telling a complete stranger who you are. How would you describe yourself to them? I would describe myself as a 18 year old female. I have long dark brown hair, brown eyes and wear glasses. I am a first year student at Morton College. I graduated from Morton East. I love going to the movies and doing makeup. In highschool I did theatre my senior year and a I loved powderpuff. I am very friendly and approachable, trustworthy and very caring. Describing myself is hard because I don’t see what other see in me and what sticks out to them might not stick out to me. 2. How do other people’s perceptions of us influence our sense of self? Use Cooley’s concept of the looking glass self in your answer. …show more content…

We then use this imagined judgement to regulate our behavior and shape our own understanding of who we are as a person. An example would be if lets say my friend believes that she looks bad with glasses. When she has them she thinks people look at her differently and just stare. Although the glasses look completely normal and no one seems to care, she does and the way she sees herself affects the way she thinks about herself. (Only an example, made up) 3. Imagine you want to do something, but you know that if people found out you did this thing, they would laugh at you or be angry with you for doing it. In this hypothetical, how might Cooley’s looking glass self influence your behavior? In the way Cooley thinks I would most likely not go through with it. Cooley talks about the looking glass and how it brings imagined judgement. It would influence me to keep it to myself from fear of how others would react or see me. I would make me create imagined judgment of what people would think of

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