Do Children Value Their Race Or Gender More?

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There are many different ways a child can be affected in their life. One of these is how a child may live in society. There are important factors that matter like the race of a child or gender. There are many genders in the world as of today such as Male, Female, or Transgender. There are also many different races but the main ones include Asian, Black, African American, White. These are a few categories that Americans see each other in most of the time. Some people dislike others and this research is to find out if children value their race or gender more. When children are young they learn a lot of things. By the time they are 3 years old, they know the difference between a male and female. This is a major part the way children do things like how they dress and what kind of toys they play with. As a male baby, they usually will play with cars and often wear masculine colored clothing. Females on the other hand will usually play with dolls. They will also have other toys that are related to cooking. This is because when they get older they generally are supposed to clean and cook in the house. By the …show more content…

They described the race “White” as being a white/yellow colored. Some of the children said that mix-race is why they are treated differently, as others said that race doesn’t matter. They also said they are the race their parents are. For example, if they say their parents are Mexican, then the child stated they were Mexican too. The children also had a lot of pride in their race. One child said, “I think it means I’m proud to be black. I like who I am.” (Black boy, Grade 4). When asked about equality one girl stated, “I believe race doesn’t matter at all. It just matters about who you are. It matters about how u care about other people.” (White girl, Grade 6). About 25% of black children and 25% of mixed race children mentioned equality and being equal. (Rodgers & Meltzoff

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