Divorce Response Essay

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This is a very hard question to answer and I believe that there are many factors that come into play when individuals choose to divorce. In order to reduce the likelihood of divorce, individuals need to be aware of why they are in a relationship in the first place. Are they simply in it for the benefits (money), for lust, or because they are afraid to be alone. These are just a few obvious reasons, but there are many more. I believe that an individual need to be 100% sure that they want to be with someone before they even get married. If you are getting married for the wrong reasons, then your marriage will end in divorce. To prevent this from happening, do not use your spouse, because marriage is partnership. According to the equity theory discussed within the chapter, people are satisfied within a relationship when the ratio between benefits and contributions is similar for both partners, (Kassin, Fein, and Markus, 2014). In a marriage you share responsibilities and work with one another. I believe that this is exactly why most marriages fail, because individuals think that they are doing more than the other person. They may feel like the other person is not pulling their weight. Therefore, if you share the bills, the chores, and overall responsibilities, your relationship will thank you. This does not mean that everything has to be equally split, it just means that both partners must make contributions to …show more content…

Individuals must be able to voice their complaints and concerns with one another, otherwise they may create a hostile environment. Individuals must tell one another how they feel about everything. For example, if their partner is not helping around the house, then voice that concern to them. However, also knowing how to approach conversations involving conflict is very important. Never approach a conversation in an accusatory nature, because this will only cause your partner to feel like they are being

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