Differences And Similarities Between Civil Liberties And Civil Rights

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Assignment One As American citizens we have rights that are protected by the Constitution, but we also have the right to be free. Civil liberties and civil rights sound very similar but effect us in different ways. Civil rights are the right we have to be free and more specifically free from discrimination based on our race, gender or disability while civil liberties are the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the constitution and the Bill of Rights (Civil Liberties). Both mean something different but both are equally important to the function of our society. It’s important to understand both the differences and similarities between civil liberties and civil rights. Both deal with freedom and rights but in different ways. When dealing with civil liberties, it’s what we see in the Constitution. These rights or freedoms are listed on paper. Civil rights don’t necessarily deal with specific protected freedoms but freedom as a whole. They protect us from being discriminated against. Both civil liberties and civil rights involve the government in some way. According to the Stanford Journal of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, “Civil rights are legal actions that the government takes to create equal conditions for all people” while civil liberties “refer to protections against government actions” (Civil Rights). So while the government participates in both,
Their impact may vary from person to person but they all effect us. There function is to protect us as well as guarantee us freedoms. The role the Supreme Court plays on both is key and can change how we deal with certain rights or liberties in a matter of days. Being knowledgeable on the differences as well as the similarities will ensure that you can better understand court ruling and how they impact your day to day life. Civil liberties and civil rights were put in place to protect us to it is our responsibility to understand how they effect

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