Difference Between Civil Rights And Civil Liberties

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Civil Liberties v Civil Rights
The protection of civil liberties and civil rights is critical to the existence of our society. Civil rights are the nonpolitical rights of people granted by the government that provide protection for citizens and guarantee fairness. For example, civil rights ensure a person receives equal treatment with regard to education, housing, employment, etc. Civil rights protect people from discrimination and unfair treatment. Civil liberties are basic rights for all people that are broad and guaranteed by the Constitution. Civil liberties are also referred to as personal freedoms. These liberties or freedoms give people the various rights without government interference such as the right to free speech, to vote, …show more content…

As a country it is important that we understand and value the importance of civil rights. The following cases demonstrate the importance of rights and liberties. In Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), the Supreme Court ruled on the inherent right to privacy. The Supreme Court ruled that the state could not ban the use of contraceptives. They determined that this was a violation of martial privacy. The state was attempting to fine and/or arrest people that were using any type of medicine or instrument to prevent pregnancy. This case was followed by Roe v. Wade (1973), where the Supreme Court not only gave women the right to privacy but also the right to have an abortion. In Zelman v. Simmons-Harris (2002), the Supreme Court gave parents in Ohio the right to use vouchers in order for their children to attend religious or private schools. While these cases protect liberties, the cases involving civil rights are far more reaching. In Brown v. Board of Education (1954), the Supreme Court prohibited racial segregation of public schools. In Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson (1986), the Supreme Court ruled that a “hostile environment” related to sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination. The impact of protecting our civil rights ensures a more inclusive American

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