Did European Colonialism Influence The Emergence Of The Modern Middle East?

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European colonialism laid the groundwork for the emergence of the Modern Middle East by influencing almost every Middle Eastern country through mandates and protectorates. The French and British greatly influenced the Middle East by using their power to help set the borders and create the Middle East we know today. Saudi Arabia was one of the only countries that was barely influenced by European colonialism. The Middle East was a crucial place throughout ancient history and continued to be important in modern times. Many great civilizations existed in the Middle East. The most prominent was the Ottoman Empire.
The Ottoman Empire was a large empire that lasted for several hundred years. They were primarily Sunni Muslims and they were led by the Sultan. Over time, they had a long decline, mostly because they hadn’t progressed with the times. France and Britain were getting very involved with their affairs in Egypt. By the late 1800’s most of the Ottoman Empire was gone. During World War One (WWI), in 1916, the Arabs helped Great Britain to defeat the Ottoman Empire. In 1918 the Ottomans surrendered and their empire was dissolved. When mandates were established it caused nationalist ro revolt. General Mustafa …show more content…

The French had control of Syria and Lebanon. France had a direct rule, meaning that they sent officials and their army to govern their mandates. The Druze revolt caused the French to separate Lebanon into a country of their own. They appointed the government as people of different religious groups, Christian, Shi’a Muslims, and Sunni Muslims. During World War Two (WWII), Syria and Lebanon tried to gain independence. In 1946 Syria and Lebanon were free. During the time of the French Mandates they made many improvements towards the roads, education, agriculture, and health; which laid the groundwork for modern Syria and

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