Diagnostic Medical Sonography

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Thanks to sonography, many parents have been able to view images of their baby while it is still in the mother’s womb. However, there is more to this field than photos of fetuses or scanning for pregnancy complications. The images taken by sonographers can also play a vital role in the diagnosis of people suffering from life threatening illnesses or diseases. It is a career path where your actions can not only make it easier for other health care professionals to do their jobs, but can also save the lives of patients.

Sonography Degree Information

Associate of Applied Science in Diagnostic Medical Sonography

The Associate of Applied Science in Diagnostic Medical Sonography is a degree that is aimed at students who already have an associate …show more content…

Since people’s lives can actually depend on the findings you make with sonography, it really is a career path where it pays off to be very meticulous. It is also something that will appeal to people who enjoy constantly solving problems and being faced with new challenges every day. In addition, sonography is something that will appeal to anyone who enjoys working with people and have a genuine desire to help others. Being a good communicator is definitely a must in this field and you must also enjoy challenges. Being fit is also an advantage as you may have to spend large portions of your day standing on your feet when employed as a sonographer. In addition, it will be beneficial if you had courses in math, physics, anatomy and physiology during high school. Finally, having good technical skills is vital as you’ll be operating complex machinery as part of your …show more content…

The primary duty of a sonographer is to create images of organs or tissues in the patient’s body to determine the presence of illness or disease. The primary tool used by sonographers is a device called an ultrusound transducer, which is used to emit pulses of sound that are then converted to images by the ultrasound machine. The images that you create as a sonographer can then by used for diagnosis by physicians. If employed as a vascular sonographer, your primary duties will revolve around the creation of images of blood vessels as well as collecting the type of data needed by physicians for diagnosing disorders related to blood flow. On the other hand, cardiac sonographers make use of ultrasound equipment to create echocardiagrams to examine the heart’s chambers. No matter which area of sonography you choose to specialize in, your general duties might include preparing patients for the procedure, preparing your equipment, operating specialized equipment, analyzing your findings before presenting a summary to physicians and keeping tracking of patient’s

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