Developmentally Appropriate Practice Into The Classroom

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Students come first. When teachers look at their curriculum and the overall design of their classroom they should have the students in mind. Everything that a teacher does should benefit the student which includes assessment, teaching style and the entire setup of the room. With that in mind, you should make sure you incorporate developmentally appropriate practice into your classrooms as well as using assessment in the correct way to help guide your curriculum and lesson plans. Developmentally appropriate practice means to incorporate or use methods in the classroom that are at the correct age and developmental level of your students. You should not be teaching concepts and doing certain activities that do not fit the level of your students. Developmentally appropriate practice looks at the whole child which includes their physical and mental (cognitive) capabilities. This also includes students social and emotional characteristics. Each child is different and your students may not be at the same developmental level even though they are in the same class or same age. …show more content…

Assessment is the biggest contributor to helping teachers determine what concepts or topics need to be taught or even skipped. “The purpose of all assessment is to provide teachers with the information to best inform their teaching and work with individual children, Eliason, C. et al. Assessments are related to the curriculum in the fact that it can change the teacher’s plan. Assessments show the teacher what students may or may not know and their strengths and weaknesses. If you noticed that most of your class struggled on a certain topic the you, the teacher, will not move forward, but will reteach the concept. You will not know what to teach your class without giving some form of assessment. Assessment is critical and highly important in the classroom and effects how lessons are taught and the sequence of your

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