Depression, Cyberbullying, Stress, And Suicidal Thoughts

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Many people have suffered from depression, bullying, cyberbullying, stress, and suicidal thoughts. Many people are still suffering from this. Depression, bullying, cyberbullying, stress, and suicidal thoughts are the reasons why people commit suicide. If someone you know is having suicidal thought get them help immediately. If you are the one having suicidal thought get help or tell a trusted adult or friend. Depression is when you are sad or not happy for a long period of time. You can be depressed from weeks to months or even years. Some people might not even know they are depressed. If you are depressed you need to tells friend or trusted adult. Talk your feelings out with someone. If you have friend that is depressed try not to make them feel worse. Sometimes a person who is depressed just wants you to listen to them. So if your friend is depressed just sit down and listen to them. …show more content…

Bullying can be verbal or physical. Examples of physical bullying pushing, shoving, hitting, or kicking someone. Verbal bullying is name calling, spreading rumors, or laughing at someone behind their back. Bullying is not a good thing. If you are being bullied tell someone. You can get help from a trusted adult or friend. When you are bullied do not stoop down to their level. Just walk away. Do not get in trouble because of them. Sometimes people who bully are having troubles of their own. If you are a bully stop. Bullying really hurts people. Bullying online is called cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is another type of bullying. Examples of cyberbullying is sending mean text, posting embarrassing photos, or leaving mean comments online. Cyberbullying may affect a person more because the person may have to deal even when they get home from school. If you are being cyberbullied keep the evidence and show someone. If you are tired of looking at the mean comments turn your phone or computer

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