Democratic-Republican Dbq

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The formation of the Democratic-Republican Party started out as "a loose collection" of members who organized themselves to vote together consistently (Schultz). This unification of the party led to the change of leadership in America when Thomas Jefferson won the presidential election in 1800. The election resulted in the adoption of the Twelfth Amendment because of how well organized the party had become. The "Bloodless Revolution" ended with a tie between two Democratic-Republicans, Jefferson and Aaron Burr, causing the Federalists to cast the deciding vote for Jefferson. As a presidential candidate, Jefferson "carried politics to the people", in the form of publications and the use of newspapers (Schultz). The newspapers aided in his political strategies against the Federalists, a practice that carried on till modern times. In general, to Jefferson, the public opinion was very important and he would have gatherings to raise political awareness. The reasoning behind his actions was that he envisioned a "farmer's republic" since he believed the cities were corrupted and evil (Schultz). Under his direction the party sponsored many public gatherings to campaign for his time in office, becoming recognized as Jeffersonian Democracy. …show more content…

A plan to cut back on the military, both the navy and army, later hurt the party deeply when war broke out between Britain and France after the 1804 election. The nation had hoped to remain neutral, but the British were once again impressing the sailors from American ships. Then Jefferson introduced the Embargo Act of 1807 to reduce trade with foreigners, in which only damaged the traders in America. The Act was later overturned in 1809 when James Madison became

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