Definition Essay On Respect

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There are different kinds of respect. There is the definition I was taught at school. The first day of 4th grade, the teacher would call on students to add to the class definition of “respect” on the whiteboard. It is treating others the way you want to be treated. It is being nice when others aren’t. It is sharing your pencil sharpener with your partner. Then, there is the respect I am required to give. The kind that is given to people of authority and to those who are older than I am. By the code of my Korean, Confucianism heritage, this respect manifests itself in a different tone, different phrases, and a strict ninety-degree bow. Lastly, there is the kind of respect that I really believe in. The kind that no one forces into your head …show more content…

I look up to them and appreciate what they do. Not because anyone said to do so, but because I sincerely felt that their actions demanded my respect. There is only one person that I feel this way towards. She is the one that once changed my diapers and the one that now puts a roof over my head. She is the one that nags at me to clean my room and the one that I am ultimately grateful for. She is my mother. Most fourteen year-olds think their mother is a drag. Moms don’t “get” you or they don’t understand that Drake isn’t going to go on tour again in years so attending the Summer Sixteen Concert is crucial. I often tend to define my mom by only these small, argumentative moments I have with her and it was only until recently that I realized that what she was doing was incredible. Try raising a young boy with a seemingly endless stomach and appetite for toys in a foreign country. Try doing so without any help from your husband, whom you lost contact with for years. Try working three jobs, all in different fields for over eighty hours a week. Try doing so with a son that still needs your attention. Try handling a lawsuit in between all of the work hours. Try doing so with less than four hours of sleep every

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