Decline Of Violence

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I choose to watch “The surprising decline of violence” by Steve Pinker. In this particular video, Pinker compares the twentieth century with the twenty-first century, by showing the viewers statistical facts, and references from the bible. Throughout the lecture, Pinker shows the audience that we live in a much more peaceful world than our ancestors did. Although Pinker knows this is just the beginning of the twenty-first century he is able to prove that the current human race is headed towards a peaceful destination. Pinker really emphasizes the physical aspect of violence and was able to prove his claims with research. Pinker then gives the audience some possibilities on why there has been a decline in violence, the first one being “Hobbes got it right”, the second explanation, “Life is cheap”, the third explanation, “Nonzero-sum games “and the fourth explanation, “Expanding Circle”. Pinker then hits the audience with a hard but a truthful question why it's there peace and war in this world and what are we doing not only right but also …show more content…

Although the twenty-first century just began a little over sixteen years, I do see a massive decline in violence in this world than I did see in the past centuries. In the video Pinker referenced the bible a few times and shows us some verses, with that being said, speaking as a person who reads the bible, I know that there was a lot of violence during that era. In contrast to his fair share of beliefs on the decline in violence I do believe that Pinker is speaking too soon we have a whole century ahead of us and the possibilities for violence to grow are endless. Although Pinker showed the audience facts on how there is a surprising decline of violence in the recent years, we won't be sure if this century is truly less violent than the past centuries until it is

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