Violence In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

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Fahrenheit 451 Report
During the 1900’s it was observed by many Americans that violence wasn’t a new event that has occurred. It has been proven that because of the violent events in the 1960’s, it has been the most violent decade of the century. On December 7, 1941 a Japanese aircraft attacked a naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The next day, the United States declared war. It was just then when Americans have had their lives revolve around violence not only by the war but also with the conflict citizens had between each other. In the book Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury provided Americans clues that not only the battle between warring nations , but also the conflicts between communities and the common people will affect the country negatively, as we make it a part of our lives and accept it, become entertained by it, and also suspire it as a necessity to perform.
During the book Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury has advised us that violence has been widely made to be accepted in part of our lives. In the story Mrs. Phelps had said “ Oh they come and go, come and go. In again out again Finnegan, the army called Pete yesterday. He’ll be back next week. The army said so, Quick war. Forty eight hours and everyone home. I’m not worried, I will let Pete do all the worrying. I’m not worried.”(Bradbury). Mrs. Phelps clearly was well accommodated to what was going on in the world. It was made so well know, that people stopped worrying and had created violence part of their lives and a normal routine. Also in an Article by Christopher Jencks he describes how since the 1960 violence may exist in humans as a result of evolution. Evolution is the process of growth, violence have gr...

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...tart to collapse with all the disturbance that has occurred, Ray Bradbury suggests that society will eventually shut down the world as we start to disturb the peace that the world started with.
What is the definition of violence? Violence is widely known as an intended unjust exertion of force or power. We as a community should be able to restrain itself from intending to disrupt peace the world has started with. Ray Bradbury is trying to warn the world and stop violent actions before they start. He explains how he thinks the world is starting to collapse and tries to prevent it from happening. Everyone can suppress from performing and allowing violence and conflict in the world. We should not start unnecessary conflict from happening because it maybe that one day everyone will be having so much fun with violence that we will have forgotten what the world is about.

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