Dear Dr Advice Case Study

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Dear Dr.Advice, I have came to a new camp for summer. I went because I am going to college soon and am trying to get college extra credit. I thought I would be like the rest of the campers and do all of the normal things they do. I then got placed in the “advanced” group and I just found out what they do. They are a secret team that fights dragons and they train in a secret location. I feel like i'm not supposed to be her. They all have special powers and can do extraordinary things. Some can fly shoot ice or fire. Some can even heal wounds or see what dragons can see. I might have my sister come and pick me up because my hair got half burnt off by person who owns the camp, Dr.B, as everyone calls him. What do you think i should do? Sincerely, …show more content…

If you really don't have powers it doesn't matter, you already have a normal life with your friends. If you do have powers then don't use them around your friends or family. Plus you don't have to come every year and everyone around you is also using powers so it's not much of a big difference. If camp doesn’t have any fun to it what's the point of going. This is your first year there so just kick-back and have fun. There is a reason why you're there. You're there because you felt like it was a good choice to go. Good luck and write to me back any time! Sincerely, Dr. Advice P.S. Tell Dr.B to pay you for your hair …show more content…

She was then placed in the advanced camper group by Dr.B, the camp owner. She then met two people named Jesse and Dirk. They help her with her bags. They rode in a golf cart to the advanced camp. They told her that it was 2 miles away and that's when she began to worry. She thought they were going to leave her there and leave as a prank. They told her she was just being paranoid about the new camp and surroundings, which she was because this was her first time there. When they arrived at the cabins, the numbers on them were 26 and 27 neither were on the map, she met a lot more people. Most of them judged here for being her first year. Lily and Alyssa ,Alyssa was named Lily’s evil twin because they would make fun of Tori, didn't like Tori one bit. Later on in the story Tori got two powers instead of one which made Lily and Alyssa jealous. Another girl by the name of Bess came. She was less mean to Tori but still made fun of her just because the other two girls were. Bess was Dr.B’s daughter. Tori was a senator's daughter and that made her kinda rich. The other Slayers, advanced campers, all came from less fortunate families which is where the jealousy comes from. There was three boys that just messed around a lot. They didn't care about her until she got her powers. She first got the hearing power which made her counter partners with Dirk,one of the

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