EDL 610: 1.2 Belief Statement

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EDL 610: 1.2 Belief Statement Submission 2 As a teacher, my job is to help prepare students to become strong adults capable of meeting their own basic needs and prepared to participate in, and contribute to, a connected global society. To accomplish this, students need to learn academic content and twenty-first century skills, but just as importantly they need to develop traits and learn behaviors that will enable them to apply their knowledge. By addressing students’ needs while simultaneously developing strengths, teachers can help students develop the courage, confidence, and character necessary to continue to learn, adapt, and grow long after they leave our classrooms. I believe this because I was exposed to three different Cs at a young age. When I was in kindergarten, I joined one of the first Daisy Girl Scout troops in San Diego County and was immersed into a world of cookies, camping, and crafts. Over the years, I earned many badges and developed many skills with the girls in my troop. However, the most significant impact Girl Scouts made on my life began when the summer after third grade when …show more content…

My counselors built our schedule based on a list of girl-planned ideas--even accommodating outlandish ones like hosting a medieval jousting tournament. During our session, we developed courage as we shook our way across the monkey bridge. We developed confidence as we shot bows and arrows. We developed character as we sat in magic circles to share compliments and discuss interpersonal challenges. We were gently encouraged to try new things--including snacks like boob fudge--thanks to our counselors’ challenge-by-choice style. At night, the entire camp came together for all-camp theme nights and traditional campfires. On my last night at camp, I hugged my friends around a community campfire as we reflected on the experiences we had just

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