Dance Personal Statement

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During my dancing career, I have had many memorable opportunities such as performing a number of times at Saddlers wells theatre and at her Majesty’s theatre for Mardi Gras with my dance school Gemini Dancers. Performing at such prestigious venues, I acquired confidence and a love for preforming. Dancing in front of such large crowds no longer phases me, as when I was a young child I was very shy and would never imagine doing such a thing. Dance has allowed me to overcome my shyness and break down any barriers I previously had.
I have also been able to raise money for charity through dance. My dance school Gemini Dancers organises a charity show every 2 years, which has raised over £50,000 for a variety of local charities. Four years ago, Gemini Dancers raised thousands of pounds for Greenmead Primary School for others who are less fortunate, this was a memorable and brilliant experience to be involved with, as it made me realise how impactful dance can be.
Dance is in my blood. From my Grandmother, to my Mother and my Aunt, dance has moved through 3 generations of my family and I am eager to further my own dancing career by completing this course. I have been performing on …show more content…

I have worked first hand with my teacher and assisted her in choreographing a piece in my first year at Esher. I was personally chosen by the dance students in the year above to be in their exam pieces. It was an honour to be chosen, and it gave me more confidence in myself as it showed that they trusted my ability to help them achieve the highest possible grade. After the pieces I participated in achieved some of the highest group dance scores, it began to make me appreciate my own personal qualities and how I differed from other dancers. The A Level course has helped me to develop my skills in being able to create versatile pieces not simply just movements to music but movements with a

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