CEO Dan Amos: AFLAC's Risk-Taking Leader

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The McGraw-Hill Irwin, “AFLAC and CEO Dan Amos,” video, is quite an informative one as it relates to the AFLAC company and it top level manager. It deals with the way in which Chief Executive Officer Amos, runs the day-to-day business of AFLAC. It speaks on how Mr. Amos, who is a top level manager is a risk taker. Mr. Amos is now taking a big risk in allowing the stockholders of AFLAC to vote on his compensation packet. Not only will the decision that is made by the stockholders affect his professional life, but it will have an impact on his personal life as well. However, many Chief Executive Officers in one day earn more than an average employee earns in one year. In the video is also described how executive pay critics complain about the pay of Chief Executives Officers when a company is not doing well.
What principles from this week’s readings tie into the video?
The principles from this week’s reading that I believe tie into the video …show more content…

Not only that but, believe that it is so awesome what Chief Executive Officer Amos, is allowing stockholders to vote on the pay package can include salary, bonus, stock options, and deferred compensation. There are not many top level managers that would put their livelihood in the hand of others. To me this speaks volumes about his leadership. The practicality of this type of practice across other corporate environments I believe will receive strong support for their stockholder’s advisory board to vote on the company’s executive pay policies and practices. The only adverse factor that I see is that there may be tension between paying managers what they are truly worth and in a manner that motivates them to disburse their utmost to create shareholder value and not paying managers more than they are truly worth or in a way that distorts their

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