DAP In Early Childhood Education

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The position statement lists several contributing factors to DAP, the factors of the child’s development and experiences were mentioned multiple times. When focusing on the importance of development in relation to DAP, the statement explains that changes in one domain, can either strengthen or weaken the development in other domains. For example, a change in the physical domain will affect the child’s cognitive or emotional and social domains as well. Children develop in a specific order and will typically gain certain abilities around the same time. This means it is important for teachers to know his/her grade level’s developmental stage, so they understand the skills and abilities their students have. The statement also explains that even …show more content…

There are several areas where a child’s development is affected by their positive or negative experiences. For example, the child’s self-regulation is determined early on by their experiences and also their problem solving skills and ability to focus are developed and determined by their experiences.
Answer: I believe DAP is an essential component of effective instruction in the early childhood classroom because DAP creates successful teachers and students. Successful teachers are created by using DAP effectively in the classroom and addressing each area specified in the statement. From enhancing the students love for learning to forming a rapport with the student and families. By teachers being effective, students are successful by having guidance and being pushed slightly out of their comfort zone. …show more content…

A teacher is successful with working with families when they are respectful to the family’s values, collaborate with each other, and the teacher supports the family when making decisions. When effective teachers do this, they are using DAP because they are acknowledging the family and also considering the child’s developmental level to know what the family may have to offer. The teacher and parent forming a positive relationship will help the child succeed because the teacher will gain new information about the child and how they learn. The family will also understand what the child’s strengths and weaknesses are and help the child strengthen their

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