Early Childhood Education

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EDUCATIONAL THRORISTS Early Childhood Curriculum Contents Introduction 2 Principles and Philosophy 2 Common and Differences 2 Contributions 3 Personal Reflections 4 Bibliography 5 Introduction In this assessment I will be talking about the principles and philosophy of Frobel and Montessori, what they have in common and differences, there contributions to Siolta and my own thoughts in relation to early childhood education and their impact on the learning environment Principles and Philosophy Froebel believed that the kindergarten's primary focus should be on play–the process by which he believed children expressed their inner thoughts, needs, and desires so that's why Froebel's emphasis on play. For Froebel play is facilitated by children's process of thoughts, imitation of adult vocational activities, and socialization. By playing, children socialize and imitate adult social and economic activities as they are gradually led into the larger world of group life. The kindergarten provides an environment that encouraged children to interact with other children under the guidance of a loving teacher he also believed in outdoor play and nature. (hardy, 2013) (Notes, 2013) The Montessori Method has been and is very popular around the world with early childhood practitioners and parents. The Montessori approach is designed to support the natural development of children in a well-prepared environment. Some of the principles and philosophy are respect for the child, sensitive periods, the prepared environment, absorbent mind, and observations. (hardy, 2013) (Notes, 2013) Common and Differences There are many common between Montessori’s and Froebel’s education philosophies both of them believe in the child's right to be activ... ... middle of paper ... ...pes of environments in the room for example have plenty of huts for children to r relax in My own attitudes, values and beliefs towards children learning and development are to be sensitive and easy approached. Have friendly staff that relates to children well and are friendly and vetted. To have a structure routine so that children know what they are doing so they are not stressed out. Do regular observations on children to see what their development stage is at and do active listen towards the children to show that their opinion matters. Have equality and diversity in the setting so that everyone is accepted. Bibliography hardy, E. F. a. C., 2013. Early Childhood Curriculum. Hume Avenue Park West Dublin 12: Gill and Macmillan. Notes, C., 2013. Class Notes. s.l.:s.n. Siolta, 2010. Siolta. 2nd ed. Marlborough St Dublin 1: Department of education and science.

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