Critical Analysis Of Laura's Decision To Leave Their Job

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At first glance, Laura’s decision to leave her position at the manufacturing company seems to be quite surprising. As her description states, there is no single obvious reason that compelled her to leave. However, this need not be the case for an employee to decide to leave their job. As the model of employee turnover by Johns and Saks shows, there is a complex relationship between many attitudes, elements and situational factors that goes into an employee’s decision to leave their company (Johns & Saks, 2014, p. 138). This analysis will chiefly examine Laura’s level of job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behaviour, and finally organizational commitment in an effort to discern why Laura could have decided to leave her workplace. To …show more content…

Her levels of absenteeism were almost nonexistent and her performance levels were good, which both have a correlation and causation with satisfaction (Johns & Saks, 2014, p. 136-138). However, there is one salient detail in her description that could explain a lower level of job satisfaction. Laura has almost completed a degree in accounting, which ostensibly was not a prerequisite for her position. Mentally challenging work, adequate compensation and meaningful career opportunities are three key contributors to job satisfaction (Johns & Saks, 2014, p. 134). Given that Laura has nearly completed her post secondary education, it is reasonable to infer that her current position does not offer her work that is stimulating for her intellectual capability, compensation that reflects her new level of education, nor advancement opportunities that her degree should have opened. So, despite an overall apparent satisfaction, there are clearly some facets that prevented Laura from being overly satisfied. Although there is a detectable relationship between lower levels of job satisfaction and higher turnover rates, the decision to quit one’s job rests on many different factors. Attitudes of an employee towards job satisfaction and organizational commitment play a role, but a shock to the life of an employee …show more content…

Alongside job satisfaction, it is one of the two key attitudes in the workplace that affects an employee’s decision to quit their job. Organizational commitment is defined as “an attitude that reflects the strength of the linkage between an employee and an organization” (Johns & Saks, 2014, p. 140). By the definition alone, it is clear that this attitude would play an important role in causing someone to remain at their current position. Conversely, low levels of organizational commitment would mean that employees would not likely hesitate to leave their job. Three types of organizational commitment exist: affective, continuance, and normative. The difference between the three is simply the motivation for the commitment to the organization. Affective commitment reflects an intrinsic desire to stay with the organization stemming from identity and involvement, continuance commitment is the need to stay with an organization, and normative commitment stems from an ideological or feeling of obligation to remain (Johns & Saks, 2014, p.

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