Dilemma between Autonomy and Direct Control within Mangerial Control in Current Organisation

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Management control strategy is not a one dimensional formulae of labour controlling, other than controlling employees, it is also about exploiting employees' discretionary effort and creativity as a prime interest. In the Webboys article, Barrett (2004: 787) demonstrated how different strategies have been manipulated separately and simultaneously to control the labour process of developing primary software. This essay is going to investigate various directions of management strategies, which incorporate with radical approaches of control in response to the dilemma between offset the notions between "direct control" and "responsible autonomy dichotomy" (Friedman in Barrett 2004: 38). Based on the argument that there is "no best way" (Hyman in Barrett 2004: 38) of management strategies, which Barret contend in the Webboyz case study. This essay is concerned that autonomy can never be fully implemented without direct control. Furthermore, we can never separate the various management strategies fads with their perpetual aim- controlling employees to achieve the best result. I will examine the particular approaches of classical scientific management has been applied to the fast food industry, in terms of controlling by financial incentives, rigid task design. Therefore, team is sought to be a "substitute for a more indirect forms of integration and supervision."(Fulop and Linstead1999:220)

I will discuss different perspective of team in regards of providing autonomy to employees which "empowers" them in order to achieve the most effective outcome. Moreover, further discussions of general problems of teamwork in the call centre industry, and various managerial concerns in regards to normative approach would be exa...

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