Having finally resolved to work out at the gym, you sweat and toil for weeks on end only to look in the mirror and see little to show for it. It's the paradox of the New Year's resolution exerciser. Seeing physical results can help exercisers stay true to their fitness programs, yet for many it takes months to achieve noticeable muscle changes. Creatine Monohydrate has become the most popular supplement in the world among individuals interested in body-building and fitness. As you probably know creatine (usually in the form of creatine monohydrate) is a supplement taken to enhance anaerobic performance. Creatine Monohydrate is a white, odorless crystalline powder, clear and colorless in solution. With its popularity, you may find creatine at any health or sport product retailer. It sells for roughly $35 a bottle, and is distributed by many manufacturers.
Creatine serves as an energy reserve in muscle cells. Muscular contraction is powered by the breakdown of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) to ADP (adenosinediphosphate). When all the ATP is broken down, creatine phosphate in the muscle donates a phosphate group to ADP, and further energy reactions can occur. Creatine monohydrate is a precursor to creatine phosphate. By supplementing with CM, CP levels in muscle apparently are maximized, and more muscular work can occur, since there are greater energy reserves to use.
Approximately 95% of the body's creatine supply is found in the skeletal muscles. The remaining 5% are scattered throughout the rest of the body, with the highest concentrations in the heart, brain and testes. A skeletal muscle itself does not produce creatine, but utilizes the creatine originating in the liver and kidneys.
The human body gets most of the creatine it needs from food or dietary supplements. Creatine is easily absorbed from the intestinal tract into the bloodstream. Rich dietary sources of creatine include red muscle meats (beef) as well as fish. Creatine, however, is sensitive to heat and cooking, and the full amounts available in these food sources may be reduced during normal preparation. When dietary consumption is inadequate to meet the body's needs, a limited supply can be synthesized from the amino acids arginine, glycine and methionine. This creatine production occurs in the liver, pancreas and kidneys.
The bottom line is that your ability to regenerate ATP depends on your supply of creatine.
The data collected during this experiment has shown that a relationship likely exists between the rate of muscle fatigue and the time spent performing vigorous exercise prior to the set of repetitive movements. This is likely due to a build-up of lactic acid and lactate as a result of anaerobic respiration occurring to provide energy for the muscle cell’s movement. As the pH of the cell would have been lowered, the enzymes necessary in the reactions would likely not be working in their optimum pH range, slowing the respiration reactions and providing an explanation to why the average number of repetitions decreased as the prior amount of exercise increased.
Creatine provides additional energy for the body, and increases muscle volume. Most of the size and strength gains are during the first month of use. It gets rid of lactic acid, and improves exercise recovery time. Creatine enhances protein synthesis, and also delays the onset of fatigue.
3. Effects of resistance training and Chromioum Picolinate on body composition and skelatal muscle in older men by, Campbell WW., Joseph LJ., Davey SL., Cyr-Campbell D., Anderson RA., and Evans WJ.. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY. 86(1): 29-39,1999 January.
The problems with performance enhancing drugs are that they give the user unfair advantages over other athletes and come with many health risks such as baldness. Steroid use can result in very substantial legal consequences and can ruin the user’s reputation. There are many alternatives to steroids but not all of them are safe. Different organizations have different rules on steroids, but in most cases, the user can get suspended, fined, or even both. Various types of steroids can have various short-term or long-term side effects. There are several types of steroids, the most popular ones being anabolic steroids. Historically, steroids have been around for many years, but the debate surrounding them started recently, more specifically a few decades ago. An important term to know is anabolic steroids which are made to work with the user’s muscle mass. Another term to know is clarified by Ida Walker, author of the book, Steroids: Pumped Up and Dangerous, published by Mason Crest Publishers in 2008, defines, peliosis hepatis is a rare condition in which cysts filled with blood form in the liver, if the cysts were to pop then internal bleeding would occur. A positive argument about steroids is stated by Adrianne Blue, author of the essay, “Performance Enhancing Drugs Should Be Legal,” published in the book Athletes and Drug Use, published in 2009, disputes, “Blue concludes that legalizing performance- enhancing drugs can protect athletes from dangerously abusing them.” The utilization of performance enhancing drugs has left a giant scar on sports and has compromised the achievements of many athletes; therefore, they are transforming the sports world into a drug filled world.
Primarily lifters and athletes take creatine to get ahead of the competition. In an article written by Nancy Ling, she mentions how in the Olympic games from 1964-1994 Soviet Union powerlifters consumed creatine to get an edge on the competition and had great success from it. ("Creatine? Is It Worth the Risk?"). Also in the article, Nancy stressed the importance of taking the correct amount of creatine because it can help prevent kidney and liver problems. On the other side, consuming creatine can be dangerous if you are prone to having seizures, blood clots, or cardiac
Choosing a vocation can be a daunting task. With the world ever-evolving, one may come across a new attractive career every year. In order to ensure optimal job satisfaction, it is vital to educate oneself about every alluring prospect prior to committing. Simple factors like the time commitment and salary can mean the difference between a content existence and a miserable one.
Creatine supplements are used by athletes, bodybuilders, wrestlers and others who wish to gain muscle mass. The average athlete typically consumes 2 to 3 times the amount that could be obtained from a high-protein diet. Creatine helps to supply energy to all cells in the body, primarily muscle. (wiki) Creatine is naturally produced in the human body from amino acids primarily in the kidney and liver. It is transported in the blood for use by muscles. Approximately 95% of the human body's total creatine is located in skeletal muscle(%). In humans and animals, approximately half of stored creatine originates from food.
Shortly thereafter, the rest of the sports world did not allow anabolic steroids as well. With the use of steroids no longer permitted, athletes began to look for other alternatives. On the rise are two substances called creatine and androstenedione, both of which are sold over the counter. These two performance enhancers have only had minimal testing done on them, excluding the long-term effects, simply because they haven't been around long enough. Creatine and androstenedione have been said to produce results like steroids without the side effects.
Anabolic steroids are drugs containing, or hormone-like substances, that are used to increase strength and promote muscle growth. They were first developed in the 1930s in Europe to treat undernourished patients and to promote healing after surgery. Competitive weightlifters began using steroids in the 1950s as a way to increase their athletic performance. Use gradually spread throughout the world among athletes in other has been estimated that at least one in 15 male high school seniors in the United States--more than a half-million boys--has used steroids. Some are athletes attempting to increase their strength and size; others are simply youths attempting to speed up their growth to keep pace with their peers. In some countries, anabolic steroids are available over the counter. In the United States, a doctor's prescription is necessary.
Mujika, I and Padilla, S. "Creatine Supplementation as an Ergogenic Aid for Sports Performance in Highly Trained Athletes: A Critical Review." International Journal of Sportsmedicine October 1997: 18(7): 491-496.
Athletes need protein, primarily to repair tissues and rebuild muscle that is broken down during exercise and to help optimizes carbohydrate storage. This effect will help athletes gain immediate energy for competition or a workout.
Amino acids can play an important role in exercise, especially the branched-chain amino acids; valine, isoleucine and leucine. The branched-chain amino acids are unique because they are not metabolized in the liver but in the muscle instead, hence the name, ‘muscle aminos’.
You've probably heard about how influential protein is to gaining muscle, but it also gives you
Minerals are a group of compounds that allow for endurance in an athletic competition. Potassium is a common mineral associated with muscle cramping. A lack of potassium is the cause of muscle cramping during a sporting event. Minerals must be taken in at least six hours before the time of activity. Due to the complexity of minerals, they are not easily transported to the muscle cites most in need of replenishment.
According to the book “Understanding normal and clinical nutrition”, the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein intake is, 0.8g/kg of body weight for non-athletes; according to nutrition professionals this amount can be achieved through a healthy diet (Rolfes, Pinna, & Whitney, 2012). It is well known that athletes, due to their high energy expenditure, need to ingest a greater quantity of nutrients with the purpose of repairing and building muscle cells, besides reestablishing energy storage; The International Society of Sports Nutrition (2007) states that athletes and exercising individuals amount of protein to be consumed depends on the intensity of the exercise training sessions, the quality of the protein ingested in their whole foods diet, besides their carbohydrate intake. Meanwhile, athletes’ protein needs should be about 1.4 to 2.0 g/kg of body weight, and even though dietary supplements are a safe way to meet protein requirement, it would be healthier to obtain the necessary nutrients ingesting high quality foods as part of a daily diet (Campbell et al, 2007).