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Effects of steroid abuse
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Anabolic steroids are drugs containing, or hormone-like substances, that are used to increase strength and promote muscle growth. They were first developed in the 1930s in Europe to treat undernourished patients and to promote healing after surgery. Competitive weightlifters began using steroids in the 1950s as a way to increase their athletic performance. Use gradually spread throughout the world among athletes in other has been estimated that at least one in 15 male high school seniors in the United States--more than a half-million boys--has used steroids. Some are athletes attempting to increase their strength and size; others are simply youths attempting to speed up their growth to keep pace with their peers. In some countries, anabolic steroids are available over the counter. In the United States, a doctor's prescription is necessary.
While the effects of steroids can seem desirable at first, there are serious side effects. Excessive use can cause a harmful imbalance in the body's normal hormonal balance and body chemistry. Heart attacks, water retention leading to high blood pressure and stroke, and liver and kidney tumors all are possible. Young people may develop and a halting of bone growth. Males may experience shrinking testicles, falling sperm counts, and enlarged prostates. Women frequently show signs of masculinity and may be at higher risk for certain types of and the possibility of birth defects in their children. The psychological effects of steroid use are also alarming: drastic mood swings, inability to sleep, and feelings of hostility. Steroids may also be psychologically addictive. Once started, users, particularly athletes, enjoy the physical "benefits" of increased size, strength, and endurance so much that they are reluctant to stop even when told about the risks. Major athletic competitions, including the Olympics, routinely screen athletes to prevent steroid use.
Well, frying anything is hardly part of the Mediterranean Diet. In the end, it really all depends on what and how you are going to fry, but generally the answer, without thinking about your diet, is “yes.” Most of the alternative and inferior oils that claim to be healthier for frying have actually been put through a chemical treatment to strip obvious defects and produce a neutral flavor. Processing is always a bad idea. Of course, if you are frying and calories aren’t really a problem, extra virgin olive oil has a great taste that will most likely complement whatever you’re
Depending on the slave owner’s rules, many slaves were denied any type of freedom. This even included the right of the slaves to learn to read and write. Many slave owners would deny their slaves these rights in order to make sure that they did not develop desires that could lead to an escape or rebellion. Most slaveholders were very afraid when it came to the thought of a rebellion because the slaves were very important to their economy and their families’ wellbeing. Many of them attempted to reduce the risk of rebellion by reducing the amount of exposure of their slaves to the world outside their plantations. By keeping their slaves from exposure to the outside world, they could eliminate many of the possible dreams and/or desires that might come from the knowledge of the world outside the slave owners plantation or farm.
Liberty can have multiple meanings it depends on who you ask. It is the freedom to and freedom from. Freedom to it is your right to have a personal freedom, to do as you wish. Freedom from is your right to write speak and act freely without fear of threat.
William Layman and William Annitto have had a case of a young man who was
Conflicting reports make it difficult to discern just how detrimental the practice is to the environment and people. What is known is that fracking uses phenomenal amounts of water, which is becoming a scarce resource in many parts of the country. There is no doubt that the fluid used in the fracking process contains chemicals, and when released into water supplies has negative effects on these sources. Injection of flowback materials into deep wells has been definitively linked to increased seismic activity. Damage to roads due to the high traffic of trucks shipping equipment and product is astronomical. Worldwide, four countries have outright banned the practice and others are waiting for more research to be done before they continue to allow it. A few states know the devastating side effects that come with the practice, and have banned hydraulic fracturing. While there is no doubt that fracking can produce resources that are used by Americans, there is a lot of doubt as to whether it is safe or not. Hopefully, the country will follow those that have banned the practice, and adopt other safer forms of energy
When one hears the word freedom, one associates it with the words independence and liberty. It means that a person is able to exist freely without any limits, as it is their god-given right to do so. While this is true, the definition of freedom changes based on the context of the situation. During the time of slavery, freedom had a unique meaning to each person who was subjected to slavery. In Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Frederick Douglass explores what the unique and complex meaning of freedom based off his experiences and knowledge of slavery.
Anabolic steroids also have long-term consequences legally. Anabolic steroids are classified as controlled substances under U.S. federal law and the laws of many states (Collins). Since the non-medical possession or sale of anabolic steroids is illegal, strength athletes must not only consider the possible health risks but also the potential legal consequences of involvement (Collins). Many athletes who take or sell anabolics have no clue as to what might happen if they were to be caught by law enforcement. According to Rick Collins, in 1991 Congress placed anabolic steroids into schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act. Under this legislation steroids are defined as, “any drug or hormonal substance, chemically and pharmacologically related to Testosterone that promotes muscle growth” (Collins). There is a maximum of 1 year in prison and a $1,000 fine for using or buying steroid. The penalty for trafficking for a 1st offense is a maximum of 5 years imprisonment and a $250,000 fine. The penalty for a 2nd offense for trafficking the punishment above doubles (Collins).
Some of the ill effects of the drugs are damage to the kidneys and liver. A person can also alter the balance of the natural hormones. This can cause detrimental affects to the body. The effects of you natural hormones being out of balance can last several years after being off the drugs. Some male user form breasts due to the use of steroids. Because of the increase in testosterone, steroids can cause serious acne problems. When used by teens is can cause stunted growth. Other side effects include genital changes, water retention, yellow eyes, coronary artery disease, ligament injuries, high blood pressure, changes in cholesterol levels, sterility and liver disease. The list goes on and on. Women that use steroids run the risk of male pattern baldness. Some effects of steroids are even worse. Some people fall into comas after injecting the drugs, some may even die from the injections (Kalawalski 13-15).
Nursing is not just a career it’s a very board profession. In nursing there are many job opportunities. There are different types of nursing jobs that a person can do depending on the specialty that he/she feel comfortable with. Patients come to the hospital for help and they are trusting us to help them feel better and heal them. In healthcare things changes every day so it’s our job to find out what’s different from today and tomorrow to give our patients the best treatment possible. Nursing is more than just passing out medications. We come in the field because we are very compassionate and want to heal the sick. Nursing is more than just the ears and eyes for the physician. While in the care of the nurses they make sure their patients are well taken care of and if something is wrong they know how to fix it without calling a doctor.
Throughout history freedom has had many different meanings and definitions; based on race, gender, and ethnicity. According to the dictionary freedom means the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint (“freedom” def. 1). Freedom may seem like something given to everyone however it was something workers had to fight for. Not everyone believed that workers’ rights needed to be changed, which led to a long battle between workers, employers and the government. To the working class people freedom meant making higher wages, having regulated hours, workable conditions and the right to free speech.
A Registered Nurse typically tends to work in a clean and healthy work environment (“Registered Nurses” Campus para. 11). In this career a nurse will have duties such as: recording vital signs, monitors the patient, will have discussions about the patient with physicians, and evaluate test results (“Registered Nurse” para. 3). An RN deals with problems that people have with their health, and keeps track of their patients medical records; however, it is a requirement to have a nursing license (“Registered Nurse” para. 1). Registered Nurses must know certain health issues, certain parts of the body, know a certain group of nurses, and a certain place of work (“Registered Nurses” U.S. para. 11). One important quality to be an RN is to have compassion and to actually care about the patients (“Registered Nurses” U.S. para. 45). Another important quality is to have critical thinking skills, and to be able to remember the changes in the patients health (“Registered Nurses” U.S. para. 44). Commonly registered nurses need to have good speaking skills so they can talk to the patients and figure out ...
Registered Nursing will always thrive in the medical field because of the aging times. Elderly people tend to need medical attention and people to care for them. People will always get sick and need help getting better. Therefore nurses will always need to be around to help aid doctors in there diagnosis to get patients better. Dedicating all the time and patience to each and every person who needs help is what will make the job worthwhile.
Fracking is a highly controversial practice that utilizes the injection of water, chemicals and abrasives to extract relatively inaccessible pockets of natural resources. Although fracking has the potential to benefit the economy, it may also pose a significant impact on the environment, the ecosystem and safety.
Sociology is exemplified by the study of a society or societies. Society is shaped by set of tradition that will shaped the behavior people by an assortment of rules that govern individuals within a certain society in their daily transactions and interactions. After watching and analyzing these videos and concept, this has given me a greater insight on what can be taught and learned.
In my research, I have learned that there are many types of nursing careers. Depending on what type of nurse I decide to become depends on how much schooling I need. I think I would enjoy nursing because I enjoy helping others and I like the medical field. The only thing I am worried about is my health while caring for patients. I know how easy it can be to spill a chemical or stick myself with a needle, but I am not going to let that hold me back from becoming a nurse. This is why I think I would become a good nurse.