Copycat Effects On School Shootings

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A study found that 30% of mass killings and 22% of school shootings have been inspired by previous shooting, the main possible reason of the media coverage of these horrific events. “What we found was, in ones that didn’t get a lot of media attention there was no contagion, and in the ones where we did see a lot of media attention, that’s where we saw the contagion,” Towers says (Kutner, 2015). In a study of nine school shootings in Germany, Dr. Meloy and his colleagues found that a third of the killers had ''consciously imitated and emulated what had happened in Columbine.'' Other mass killers have visited Columbine or written online of their admiration for the two perpetrators there.
Lauren Coleman author of the Copycat Effect says,” Whenever …show more content…

A well adjusted individual will not turn into a mass murderer no matter how many times they have seen a school shooting on the news. Fox says that all other factors including life circumstances and personality has to be there also. He says that the copycat effect influences the form and the timing but not the motivation for murder. James Alan Fox, a criminal justice professor at Northeastern University in Boston, says schools are preferred targets for those wanting to vent their rage at society in general. It takes a vulnerable, disturbed, suicidal and homicidal individual to want to mimic a previous school shooting. But beyond that, several factors are at play. Abe Worenklein, a professor at both Concordia University and Dawson College, tells forensic psychology students about the "mean world syndrome", when news reports devote so much attention to extremely rare events like school shootings, they begin to appear normal and common to fragile minds, breaking down the cognitive barriers that would normally stop them from committing such acts themselves. “Fifty per cent of the news on a given day can be about the Dawson or the Amish shooting," Worenklein said. "The media sends a message that this is what a lot of people do, even though it's the rare exception. While 99 per cent of people will identify with the pain …show more content…

There have been at least 94 gun-related deaths and over 156 people injured as a result of more than 200 school shootings since Sandy Hook, according to data from Every town for Gun Safety, which tracks gun violence and other shootings on school grounds. The Sandy Hook school shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children between six and seven years old, as well as six adult staff members, before killing himself. Prior to driving to the school, Lanza shot and killed his mother at their home. Adam Lanza was himself a student of earlier shootings. He studied the columbine school shooting and the shooting that happened in Norway, where 77 people were killed. This shooting also brought out copycat shooting like the killing of nine people at an Oregon community college. Before opening fire, the gunman, Christopher Harper-Mercer, 26, had uploaded a video about the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Anyone interested in the mechanics of such killings can reconstruct them easily through a quick Internet search of news reports, websites and social media. One website lists rampage killings around the world. The gunman who killed 12 people at a movie theater in Aurora,

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