Compare And Contrast The Crucible Vs Sandy Hook Shooting

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Sandy Hook is an elementary school in Connecticut that was invaded by a shooter, Adam Lanza. Twenty-eight people were shot and killed, twenty of them being children between the ages of five and ten. Before Lanza arrived, he shot and killed his mother who was a teacher at this school. The article was published the day of the shooting to the Washington Post. The article was written announce what had actually happened during this tragic event. The article was directed towards parents with kids and adults to inform everyone on the catastrophe and to hopefully make schools as safe as they could possibly be. Additionally the author also states that this is not the right time to try and discuss the gun control laws. There are many reasons that the Sandy Hook shooting and The Crucible could be compared. To begin with, things were blown completely out of proportion for both of these two events. When the shooting happened, everyone said it was all the governments fault because the gun laws were not strict enough to stop him from getting a gun, however even if the gun laws were more strict he still would have been able to find the guns for himself either way if that's what he really wanted. Many people went crazy over the fact that it was still as easy as it is to get a gun and made it a much bigger deal than it was. Also during the …show more content…

At the end of the shooting Lanza shot himself so he wouldn't have to deal with any of the guilt or punishment he would have to face for killing all of those people. On the other hand Proctor decided he would hang rather than ruin his reputation and have a bad name for himself. Both Lanza and Proctor died but Lanza did for all of the bad reasons whereas Proctor did it for all of the good reasons. All in all, they may be two completely different stories but they do have their similarities and differences of each

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