Controversy: Discrimination In Education

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Discrimination in Education
Discrimination in education has created controversy based on ethnicity, nationality, age, sex, race, economic status, disability, and religion. Children of immigrants are facing discrimination in school because of where they or their family come from, such as their way of speaking, beliefs, and appearance. Due to these hateful thoughtless acts. According to researcher Jennifer Keys Adair, young children of immigrants can face discrimination on a personal level by staff or classmates at school. “This primarily takes the form of critical comments or insults about the accent, appearance or use of the student’s home language” (Carnock). This statement that Jennifer Keys stated wants to say that children are in need of …show more content…

Discriminations can have particularly negative ramifications for the development of young children sense of self and social identity. If people around children communicate distaste for their appearance, language, or cultural values, children internalize negative views of themselves. “Discriminations is particularly harmful in the early years when children are in the process of developing a sense of self” (Adair). Like Jennifer mentioned discrimination towards each other has a massive impact on their lives. Hostility around these children affects them mentally and emotionally. They begin to convince themselves they’re valueless. Discrimination throughout their initial years is ultimately dreadful because children are more vulnerable. These early years are sensitive considering that they’re at that phase of discovering who they are. The youth are growing and shaping into their own individual personalities, so it’s difficult to be yourself when you’re being discriminated or judged against. Children that are being discriminated are more likely to stay behind in their academic work and losses focus on their educational environment. There is evidence that the way children are treated during early schooling affects their later behavior and academic performance. “In addition children who receive negative messages about themselves in school may be less …show more content…

Think about what’s going on and why. “So when you think you may be encountering institutional discrimination, try to understand what’s going on” (Bowman and Wirths, 72). Try to remain calm in every confrontation. Violence is never the answer. Envisioned what is going on and why is occurring. Sometimes people say things and others may misinterpret the message. In other occasion, people might be going through a drastic time in life and take it out on others to make others feel depressed so they are not the only ones in agony. Although discrimination is not permitted, some people are stronger than others and if we perform hand in hand, we can help each other become stronger. Always consider that every circumstance is distinctive. It is achievable to step up and help others, so they don’t feel alone facing these kinds of involvements. “If you make a case clearly and strongly, others may join you” (Bowman and Wirths, 72). It is not impossible to help others. It takes a lot of courage and a strong character to protect those who are being discriminated or judge. If you can have everyone see your perspective and have they all realize that we are all different, and it’s okay to be different, it opens their eyes a little more. It’s not a quick process. We as a whole must address these situations more. People must realize that what goes around, comes around. Have them ask themselves “Would I want to be mistreated?”

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