Discrimination of Minorities in America

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It is hard to believe that after electing a minority president, the United States of America can still be seen as a vastly discriminatory society. A question was posed recently after a viewing of Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream…” speech of whether his dream has become a reality. After consideration, a majority of the viewers said no. Although many steps have been taken to improve racial equality in America, there is still no way to legislate tolerance. Dr. King’s message of equality for all has been lost in a black and white struggle over the taken meaning of his context. Until our society can allow all people to live in peace we will never truly achieve King’s dream. Case in point, referring to President Obama as our "our First Black President" should not be considered a statement of pride over how far we have come. Placing this racial qualifier, even in a positive light, only serves to point out his minority status, not the fact that he is the President of the United States. According to Dr. King's dream, a man or woman, black or white, would be viewed as President without qualifying their differences from mainstream America. The fact that hate crimes still occur in America is another signpost that tolerance is still an unheard of notion to a lot of people. In 2007 the Federal Bureau of Investigation released statistics showing that 2,105 law enforcement agencies reported 9,080 offences of hate crime. This includes vandalism, intimidation, simple and aggravated assault, and murder. This also includes not only race statistics, but religious, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and disability motivated crimes. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission released statistics of discrimination charges for the same year with all ... ... middle of paper ... ...r such a trivial issue. Everyone at some point in time or another experiences discrimination; no one lives a sheltered enough life not to. As a society we need to admit that discrimination is present at all times and stop being so sensitive to how we are labeled or perceived. Pretending discrimination does not exists does not solve a problem, it makes it stronger. Until it is no big deal in the eyes of all involved it will still be an issue that no one is truly prepared to tackle due to the amount of hate that will then be heaped upon them. Dr. King’s example is also a tragic one, a man who preached love for all, equality for all, and a sense of the brotherhood of man, was gunned down by one man who didn’t agree with his views. So perhaps the individual approach will be the best for now as this shows us one man’s view changed a world and one man’s view ended a life.

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