Cons Of Social Media Essay

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From a student’s perspective, what do you think about the use of social media as a learning platform in tertiary level education?
Social media is a necessary part of today’s society. Things that people nowadays can live without. They need and must check their social media at least once a day. These phenomena affect much on our teenagers, basically a student. Our students are constantly on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and likely many sites we’re not hip enough to know about. When used carefully, social media can be a useful tool rather than a distraction. There are a lot of site that student can use to learn. Education-based sites such as Edmodo, Edu blog, and Kid blog provide alternative social media sites for posting status updates and announcements, blogging, and microblogging. But even the commercialized sites can be useful for demonstrating social media to students. It can help connect students to information and help them generate a dialogue with their teacher and other students about a course. It can also help students and faculty build professional networks that connect them to communities. If you want to bring the “real world” into the classroom, consider integrating social media into your lessons. We all know that social media has many nightmarish stories about the use of social media by teens. Stories involving social media …show more content…

With careful monitoring and usage, social media can be an effective form of communication in the classroom. It should be used to encourage discussion and collaboration, in addition to face to face communication. But as we know, social media is a tool, and like other tools sometimes people might misused it. So as a learning platform, I do find that social media really help students as I mention above there a lot of benefits of it. It is in students hand whether they want to use it in a positive way so wasted this benefits way to learn by using social media in a wrong

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