Comparing Two Creation Stories

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God’s love for us is beyond our knowledge, understanding, or we cannot know who God is and his plans of salvation for us. His will of sharing his Divine Nature with us shows and proves his love for his people. God knew man is weak from the beginning and that is why he sent his only son Jesus Christ to save us. God the Father worked through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to bring salvation and redemption of mankind. However, Jesus taught his apostles by his own examples the way of doing, acting, and living the really holy life that man supposed to live. The apostles of Jesus lived and preached the Gospel to the whole world under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The church was led by the apostles who left it under the bishops as their successors whereby the Holy Spirit works together with them .Everything was handed on through faith. In the supreme arrangement of God, …show more content…

The purpose of the writers to put these two creation stories together in the bible is to help us to see the relationship between God and man. The first account of creation story was written by priestly tradition, and everything was created in order. The second account of creation story was written by Yahwist tradition, where we noticed some repetitions in the story.
God spoke through creation into being and formed us with his own hands, and all that dwell on the world live in relationship with God. However, the first story said that on the six day, God created man on his own image and likeness; God wanted man to be his co-workers in the world by caring for his creation. God rested on the seven day, and he saw everything he created was good. When we read this part reminds us about resting on the Sabbath day. By its very nature, the world and all who dwell on the earth lived in peace and harmony with

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