Comparing Robespierre And Napoleon's Reign Of Terror

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While Robespierre and Napoleon violated the French Revolution’s ideal of liberty, both rulers preserved the ideal of equality. Neither Robespierre nor Napoleon led with freedom from absolutism, but both spread the nationalist zeal during or after the Reign of Terror. There are also other ideals of the revolution preserved and undermined by the two rulers, including will for a limited government, religious toleration, and protection of individual rights. Specifically, Robespierre preserved the ideal of equality during the Reign of Terror. A common goal of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the constitution was to secure equality between citizens. Robespierre contributes to this by ruling without the ancien regime, a social hierarchy that placed the nobility and clergy above the common people. Instead, he called for a republic and eliminated all potential opposition, preserving equality. He also changed the titles of monsieur and madame to simply, “citizen”. These were …show more content…

Through the Napoleonic Code, a unitary legal system for all of France, private property was protected and equality was preserved before the law. During his reign, France was a meritocracy in that positions were awarded to people with the most talent and ability, preserving equality. He also allowed the people to vote through the plebiscite, a yes or no vote for the leader of France. Napoleon also preserved the ideal of religious toleration. He did this by agreeing to the Concordat of 1801. While this saw Catholicism as the religion of the majority of French people, it tolerated Jews and Protestants. It also abolished the revolutionary calendar, indicating the return of Sunday. Napoleon preserved nationalism as well. He was seen as the perfect “Son of the Revolution” because his power was self-made by rising through the ranks of the military. He led major victories throughout Europe, and his troops were loyal to him and

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